What do multi-millionaires have that you don't have (yet)?
Other than a private jet, of course.
But the biggest difference between those who have a bunch of money and the rest of us?
It's not discipline, willpower, or making risky financial moves.
The difference?
Multi-millionaires pay attention.
They know where each dollar goes.
Want to optimize your money like a multi-millionaire? Maybe you don't want a private jet. Maybe you're happy to settle for a first-class vacation.
That's what Finding Benjamins is all about.
We created The Millionaire's Money Management System to help you get the most out of your money. You worked hard to earn it... now it's time to keep as much of it as you can, and make it grow.
-Joe Saul Sehy, founder

Early feedback:
"Spend some time with Joe and Kathleen for a guided tour of where to look first. Like listening to some good friends, they provide a lot of good insight and are helpful in a non-judgey way.
By the end, they definitely get you in the frame of mind to question your expenses so you can find those Benjamins."
-James Varghese